you’ve been
Complete this form only if records have been prepared and you’d like us to copy or pick records up from your office!
I’ve been served with a Subpoena, now what?
- Content 1Review the Subpoena packet which includes the case information, records requested, requesting party, additional parties, and the deposition date (date records are due).
- Review the “ATTACHMENT 3 – Specified Records Requested”, which describes the records requested.
- Gather all the records requested in the subpoena.
- Complete the Affidavit of Custodian of Record (last page).
- Email/Fax or Mail a copy of the records and Affidavit of Custodian of records to our office OR contact us to schedule an appointment for pick up or copy.
Contact Us:
6370 Clark Ave., Ste. 250, Dublin, CA 94568
Ph: (925) 551-4747, Fax: (925) 956-1971
I’ve been served an Authorization, now what?
- Review the Authorization packet. The Notice of Authorization (first page) includes the case information, requesting party, records requested, and the date records are due.
- Review the 2nd and 3rd page to review the authorization signed by the applicant/patient/employee.
- Gather all the records requested.
- Complete the Affidavit of Custodian of Record (last page).
- Email/Fax or Mail a copy of the records and the Affidavit of Custodian of Record to our office OR contact us to schedule an appointment for pick up or copy.
Contact Us:
6370 Clark Ave., Ste. 250, Dublin, CA 94568
Ph: (925) 551-4747, Fax: (925) 956-1971
I’ve been served a Subpoena requiring Personal Appearance, now what?
You need to appear at the time and place listed on the Subpoena. Contact the attorney requesting your appearance or our office with any questions.
I’ve been served with two Subpoenas or Authorizations for the same person’s records, why?
Review the “ATTACHMENT 3 – Specified Records Requested” to review details of the records requested. Each Subpoena will outline the different records sought, (i.e. Medical, Billing, Radiology, Employment, Wage, Claims and etc). We serve separate subpoenas for separate record types, to help track the progress of each set of documents.
Also check what company served the subpoena, sometimes both sides of the case are seeking records at the same time. Each party is free to their own discovery so you may have received a subpoena from the Applicant’s Attorney and the Defense Attorney.
Do I have to comply?
YES! If you fail to comply you can be held “IN CONTEMPT OF COURT.” The attorney may file a “MOTION TO COMPEL” and serve a Subpoena requiring you to appear in front of the judge to explain why records were not provided. You could then be held liable with monetary sanctions.
Do I have to appear in person?
If you were served with a Personal Appearance Subpoena indicating that you must appear before a judge, you need to appear in person, at the time and place described on the first page of the subpoena paperwork. If appearance is required, your subpoena will state, “You are hereby commanded to appear before a Workers Compensation Judge of the Workers Compensation Appeals Board of the state of California at …”
If you were served with a Subpoena Duces Tecum to produce records indicating that you must appear before Republic Document Management, you do NOT need to appear. Your paperwork states, “We COMMAND YOU to appear before Republic Document Management…” Below the California Seal on the bottom of the page, you will find a note that states, “You may fully comply with the subpoena by mailing records described to the person and place stated above within 10 days of service of this subpoena.”
You can comply with our request by sending records to our office by mail, email or fax by the date listed on the first page of the subpoena paperwork. We can also visit your location to pick up the records or copy the file.
What records do you need?
Locate the page, titled, “ATTACHMENT 3” for a description of the records requested. You may have more or less than those outlined. The phrase describes the records being sought if they exist.
I do not have these records…
It happens. Complete and return the “Affidavit of Custodian of Record” (last page). The second box at the bottom of the form is titled, “CERTIFICATION OF NO RECORD,” simply check off the reason, “Records Lost”. Then make sure to date, print your name, sign the bottom, and return the form by email, mail or fax. If the form is incomplete or unclear, we will contact you for further clarification.
I lost records…
It happens. Complete and return the “Affidavit of Custodian of Record” (last page). The second box at the bottom of the form is titled, “CERTIFICATION OF NO RECORD,” simply check off the reason, “Records Lost”. Then make sure to date, print your name, sign the bottom, and return the form by email, mail or fax. If the form is incomplete or unclear, we will contact you for further clarification.
These records were destroyed…
It happens. Complete and return the “Affidavit of Custodian of Record” (last page). The second box at the bottom of the form is titled, “CERTIFICATION OF NO RECORD,” simply check off the reason, “Records Destroyed”. Then make sure to date, print your name, sign the bottom, and return the document by email, mail or fax. If the form is incomplete or unclear, we’ll contact you for further clarification.
What is a “CNR,” or Certificate of No Records?
A “CNR” or Certificate of No Records is a document certifying records cannot be provided.
I’ve never heard of this person…
Please search all forms of ID, the applicant/patient/employee’s Name, Date of Birth and/or Social Security Number. If you still cannot locate any information on the person, please complete the “Affidavit of Custodian of Record” section titled, “CERTIFICATION OF NO RECORDS.” Make sure to check off a reason that applies to your situation, then date, print your name, sign, and return the document to us by email, fax, or mail.
The file is TOO BIG! Can you copy the records for me?
Yes of course! Simply click here or contact our office to schedule an appointment. One of our team members will come to your office and scan/pick up the file. Once the scanning is complete, your file will be returned to you exactly the way we received it, if not cleaner!
6370 Clark Ave., Ste. 250, Dublin, CA 94568
Ph: (925) 551-4747, Fax: (925) 956-1971
Can you pick up records?
Of course! Click here to schedule us to pick up your records.
Can I Email, Fax or Mail records in?
Yes! You can email, fax 925.524.2273 or mail record to 6370 Clark Ave., Dublin, CA 94568!
If you prefer to email records, please send the file securely, with password protection. We can also share a secure folder with you, so that records may be uploaded directly to a Record Compliance Specialist. Request access to a secure folder by contacting us by email at or call 925.551.4747.
Why do I have to complete the Affidavit of Custodian of Record?
When you complete the “Affidavit of Custodian of Record,” you certify under penalty and perjury that you have provided the requested documents. Attorneys need the Affidavit of Custodian of Record to confirm they have a complete copy of the file.
How do I complete the Affidavit of Custodian of Record?
Simply check off the records that you are providing and include an explanation if any records are NOT provided. Then date, print your name and sign the bottom of the form.
I’ve been served a subpoena duces tecum, don’t I need an authorization/signed release from the patient to release records?
An authorization is not required unless the file contains sensitive information such as illegal drug/alcohol use, mental health and/or HIV records. If the file contains sensitive information and an authorization was not provided, please contact our office as soon as possible.
California Civil Code Section 56.10 declares that an authorization is not required when a subpoena duces tecum has been served stating, “No provider of healthcare, healthcare services plan, or contractor shall disclose medical information regarding a patient of the provider of health care of an enrollee or subscriber of health care service plan without first obtaining authorization, except as provided in subdivision (b) or (c)…(b)(3) By a party to a proceeding before a court or administrative agency pursuant to a subpoena, subpoena duces tecum, notice to appear served pursuant to Section 1987 of the Code of Civil Procedure, or any provision authorizing discovery in a proceeding before a court of administrative agency.”
What can I charge to produce these files?
If you are a party to the case, you may not charge for reproducing records as per Evidence Code 1563.
If you are NOT a party to the case, you were served a Subpoena and you plan to provide a copy of the file to us, you may charge according to California Evidence Code 1563 which allows $24 an hour and $.10 per page, plus a $15 witness fee. You may also charge for the cost of shipping.
If you were served an Authorization to release records and you plan to provide a copy of the file to us, you may charge according to California Evidence Code1158 which allows for $16 an hour and $.10 per page per page, plus a $15 witness fee. You may also charge for the cost of shipping.
Am I being sued?
You are not being sued. If you are the applicant’s employer, the applicant was injured while working for you, your business/insurance carrier is being sued for workers compensation benefits and treatment. You may always contact your attorney or insurance carrier for guidance.
Shouldn’t my Insurance Company take care of this?
Your insurance carrier will provide the claims file; however, they are not the Custodian of Employment, Wage and/or medical records. Your insurance carrier may be willing to review your records or provide guidance in handling the subpoena, but if you were served with a Subpoena, it is your responsibility to comply.
Shouldn’t my attorney take care of this?
Your attorney may want to review the Subpoena and supporting documents. Feel free to contact them at any time or provide us with your attorney’s information so we may contact them.
Why do you keep calling me?
We typically contact you to confirm you have the subpoena/authorization and answer any questions. We then contact you to obtain the records as quickly as possible. Let us know if you need time to prepare the documents and we’ll follow up with you at your preferred time. Our job is to obtain records as quickly as possible to provide them to all requesting parties. If you ignore our attempts, we will continue to contact your office for compliance. If you provided records but we are still contacting you, we may have requested additional records or believe we are missing some information, or we may be calling about a different person or simply need clarification. Contact us today to provide an update, eta or request we contact you at a later date.
Have a suggestion for improvement or want to share a compliment?
Our number one priority is customer satisfaction, if for any reason you are unhappy please contact us and request to speak with the Customer Care Manager or send an email to
Any other questions?
Contact us today! We are here to help!
6370 Clark Ave., Ste. 250, Dublin, CA 94568
Ph: (925) 551-4747, Fax: (925) 956-1971